Stress Management Coaching – Overview

Stress management coaching with Dr. Beth will teach you simple, but proven techniques to reduce worry, promote calm, and restore your ability to think clearly and plan for the future.

How Coaching Works

I’ll design a customized program for you to learn stress management tools in 2-4 virtual sessions. We’ll start with new information, skill-building, and a commitment to practice. Follow up sessions will help you master the tools until using them becomes second nature.

First, we’ll assess your current stress levels. Next, I’ll review some basic physiology to demonstrate how worry affects the whole body. We’ll measure your heart rate variability using a simple phone app that tracks stress reduction progress over time. Most important, I’ll teach you a set of heart-based techniques that can ease your mind quickly. We’ll create a realistic practice plan and schedule additional sessions as needed.

I can also assist you in addressing new life challenges, be they health-related, financial, personal, or professional. We’ll examine your values and use them to define how you wish to move forward. I’ll help you plan next steps, implement them, and stay motivated. The pandemic has taken a toll on everyone’s energy, but working together we can renew yours.

Why coaching now

I am offering stress management services to help you rebuild a joyous and productive life following the Covid-19 crisis.

Last year none of us could have imagined the challenges that awaited us in 2020. Today it is important we stay strong and decisive, even as the world recovers. Stress can still compromise our immune systems and make us vulnerable to viruses and disease. Coaching can help you focus, make informed plans, and regain a sense of optimism and hope. You can design your own “new normal.”

I am a psychologist with extensive experience helping people thrive. In 2019, I was trained and certified to provide stress management coaching by HeartMath LLC, a research and education organization that has trained practitioners worldwide for 30 years. The stress reduction tools I’ll teach you are easy-to-learn, evidence-based, and effective. I practice them and welcome the chance to share them.

Stress management coaching can help you build resilience and succeed in the months to come. My goal is to provide the support you need in a style that feels comfortable and safe. I am available during the week and on weekends.